Thursday, June 10, 2010

3 Days Left

Oh my! I can't believe that I only have three days left here at home. Absolutely crazy. It seems a little unreal to be honest. I've known my entire college career that I'd end up studying abroad and got pretty close to actually going last summer (swine flu outbreak in Mexico cancelled that trip), but it still seems completely and utterly surreal. I'm going through all the motions of packing and getting ready, but I'm still waiting for something to happen that will result in the trip being cancelled or something like that. I am kind of well known for being a pessimist after all. 

I also feel like I'm going into this whole thing a little blind. I'm not entirely sure what all happens after we get off the plane in Mexico. I know that my plane departs at 7:05 am in Detroit. From there I will fly to Dallas where I have a 2 or 3 hour layover. In Dallas I will meet up with the group flight. Or at least I'll be on the "group flight" out of Dallas...not entirely sure that there will be any meeting up since I haven't heard any instructions explaining where or how the group intends to meet up in a giant airport. Then it's on to Mexico (Leon I believe). Once we get there it's all pretty vague. I know that I will have some form of transportation to my host family's house. What type of transportation? Who knows! We will either be travelling with the group or our host families will come to the airport to get depends on the host family. 

Which brings us to another case of extreme vagueness and lack of information: my host family. I know a grand total of 4 things about my host family. 
  1. The name of my American roommate.
  2. The name of my host mother.
  3. The address of the house where I'll be living.
  4. The phone number of where I'll be at.
That's it! I don't know if she's married or has kids. I have no idea what type of person she is, what type of home she has. The most unfortunate and worrisome thing that I don't know is whether or not she has internet at her home. From my understanding, some of the families have internet and some do not. Please, please, please let my family have internet!!! I know that might sound a little selfish and like I'm not being open to the experience...but I would like to be able to communicate with my family and friends from home via the internet and keep this blog up to date. Plus I prefer to write my papers in the privacy of my home rather than at a University library or an internet cafe. It's hard for me to work on school stuff when there are lots of people around. We were supposed to buy a gift for our host family. I bought a Michigan State University throw blanket. It's awfully hard to buy something for people that you know nothing about. After all...I don't even know how many people I'm buying a present for. The blanket seemed like a gift that everyone/anyone in the family could use and it's connected to my home University so maybe they'll think of me whenever they use it after I've left.
This is the blanket that I got as a present for my host family.

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