Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wedding Centerpiece Project

So, rather than talk about any of the things that I planned to. I've decided to write about a DIY project that I'm really excited about!

I've been in love with cherry blossoms for about a year now. They are incredibly beautiful, meaningful flowers. For example, in China they often symbolize feminine beauty, purity, and love. In Japan, they are said to represent the transient nature of life. Either way, they are amazingly beautiful flowers and Nathan (my fiancé) and I have decided to incorporate them into our wedding.

Unfortunately, the sakura tree only blossoms for a couple of weeks a year. Thus, the chance of being able to have actual cherry blossoms in our floral arrangements is pretty slim. Even if we did have our wedding during the right time of year, it would be very, very pricey to buy enough of the flowers to serve as centerpieces. Due to this, I was searching for an alternate way to incorporate cherry blossoms and found this fantastic DIY project.

These centerpieces are made of origami flowers glued onto dried willow branches. I think they are absolutely gorgeous! They will also serve as a very personal touch to our wedding. Instructions for how to make these unique centerpieces can be found here.

Today was our first attempts at making the flowers and, overall, they turned out pretty well. Here is a picture of the first flowers that we made tonight.

They are comparable to the flowers from the instructions at step 26. We've gotten a little better at making them since we first started and I'm pretty excited about this project. It actually seems like something that we will be able to do and make look great. I will post about our progress again as soon as we have a mock-up available. I hope everyone likes the idea. I'm sure that our guests will be impressed!

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